Monday, June 22, 2020

Where Are the Christians?

“In the last days the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.” (Isaiah 2:2)

All nations is one of my favorite phrases in the Bible. God is an inclusive God.  When He established a foothold in our fallen world by starting a diminutive nation called Israel, He was already thinking big.  God’s plan was to reach out through Israel to call all nations to Himself.

As never before, God’s purpose is being fulfilled.  Today nearly one-third or 31.2% of the world's population is considered to be Christian. [1]

God’s promise of a gospel that reaches “…to the ends of the earth.” is being realized. (See Acts 1:8) All nations are streaming toward the mountain of the Lord’s temple, not by pilgrimage to a physical temple in Jerusalem, but by coming to Jesus, the one who fulfills the temple’s deepest meaning of God’s presence among us.

Unfortunately many of us haven’t kept up on what God is doing to fulfill His global plans.  We still think of the church as strong in Europe and North America but in its infancy in the rest of the world. The truth is far different.

Praise God for the amazing things He is doing in our world.  I thank Him that in a world growing smaller every day we can experience community with fellow believers from across all cultures and nations.


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