Friday, May 22, 2020

Why Go on a Short-Term Mission Trip?

I'd like to start with the words of Jesus, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

The key question introduced by Acts 1:8 is this, By what criteria should any person, anywhere, be denied the right to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ?

The Bible points out that Jesus intends for a church to witness concerning Him in its local area, in the state, in the country, and in the entire world at the same time.  It seems impossible, but through your giving to your local church this can be accomplished.

Our God is big and He cares about the nations.  He's a global God.  And His ultimate goal is to gather together a family that represents, "…every tribe and tongue and people and nation." (Revelation 5:9)  When you step into a mission field, you will sense God's amazing compassion for another culture and you will begin to know Him as Lord of the harvest.

So, why go on short term mission trips?  Going to both domestic and international areas of ministry are of great value to both the volunteers, and to those to whom they are ministering.  Going on short term mission trips assist the indigenous workers to evangelize their people and plant new churches among them.

As a result, volunteers learn to pray intently for missions, to give generously to missions, and to witness more effectively at home.

Let’s look at a few personal qualifications of volunteers:

 1) A sense of call to go
 2) Attitude of servanthood and flexibility 
 3) Willingness to maintain unity in the team
 4) Good health
 5) Healthy spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and obedience
 6) Absence of any addictive habits such as drugs, tobacco or alcohol

So, whether you go on a domestic or international mission trip, let's recognize the priority of missions.  And let's encourage every Christian to discover their role in God's great plan to tell everyone about Jesus and His love.

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