Monday, May 11, 2020

A Journey of Faith

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

God has a timetable when He deals with humanity.  Solomon tells us that there is, "… a time to be born..." (Ecclesiastes 3:2) That's true not only for all of God's creation, but also for the work He wants to do in each generation.

After an especially powerful message preached by Dr. William Gunter at the church we were attending, I made a commitment of my life to go where God wanted me to go and do whatever God wanted me to do.  During my devotional times I felt a burden and call from God to give the rest of my life to reach the lost of this world with the gospel.  The year was 1996.

I prayed for God's specific leading and timing, and as a result, we planted a new church in the interior of Alaska, began what led to ten years of mission work in India, pastored two churches in Idaho, and founded a mission organization called Asia International Mission.  Last year we completed two years serving as full-time missionaries in Haiti, and have now founded a second mission organization called Vanguard Ministries International.  My wife, Alice, and I regularly pray for God's guidance for every new step we take on this journey of faith.

Our journey of faith took us beyond anything we could have imagined.  I am astonished and grateful at what God has allowed us to do over these past 24 years.  Unfortunately, space will not allow me to share about all the many different outreaches that we used to minister to the people. 

Often I ask myself with amazement, "How did it all happen?"  From God's side, it was His presence, mercy and grace that went before us and sustained us; from our side, it was following Him by faith, one step at a time.

Today, people around the globe are shaken by disease, poor economies, and politics.  They live in fear of the future and with uncertainty about their private lives.  Fear also seems to be the reason why so many of God's people hesitate to embark on their own journey of faith, especially when He asks them to trust Him for each step they take.

They would gladly be willing to invest their lives in winning the lost world for Christ, if only they could see, before they begin, how this journey unfolds and ends.  In other words, God's promise, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) looks far too vague of a guarantee to risk all and follow Him by faith.

Allow me to encourage you from Abraham's life. (See Genesis 12:1-4)

The Lord told Abraham to leave his home and fulfill a specific purpose.  God did not spell out the details of his journey, nor show him a blueprint of the future.  Yet, Abraham had God as his friend and guide, and so it has been for us in our journey of faith.

God had a blueprint for our journey and He has one for yours!  Even if He doesn't show it to us ahead of time, we can trust Him completely.  Jesus, who purchased us with His own blood, and made us His sons and daughters, will also take care of us, for we are His.

Looking at the Great Commission (See Matthew 28:19-20), there is still so much left to be done.Until Jesus returns, the dream I live for is to see thousands of churches planted, and workers trained and sent out among the unreached, both in America and throughout the world.  Seeking opportunities to share the love of Christ in every community they enter.  Is it worth continuing this journey of faith and to give our all to reach those who are lost, for whom Jesus died? 


So, I challenge you to join me.  Let us continue with Him who gave His life for us.  Don't stop.  Let nothing hold you back from running the race and completing your journey of faith. This battle will not be very long.  He will be there waiting for us at the finish line. 

We will see Him, and He will embrace us, and then we will be with Him forever!

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)

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